School Uniforms
Here are some opinions that are ‘for’ and ‘against’ school uniforms.
Click and drag each opinion to the correct side of the table.
You can see definitions for the words in italics at the bottom of the page.
Uniforms can be recycled and reused.
Wearing uniforms reduces school violence.
Many pupils think that uniforms are ugly.
Uniforms are cheaper.
Uniforms leave the pupils free to concentrate on their lessons.
It's difficult to enforce uniform rules.
Uniforms remove one way pupils can express themselves, so they will find other, less desirable ways to express themselves such as tattoos or piercing.
If a family has more than one child at a school, the uniforms are actually quite expensive.
Pupils no longer judge each other by their clothes.
Uniforms make everyone look the same; how will children learn to celebrate diversity?
It takes less time to get ready each morning.
reused = réutilisé
(wearing uniforms) reduces = (il) réduit
ugly = moche
cheaper = moins cher
(uniforms) leave = (ils) laissent
free = libre
rules = les règles
remove = enlever
one way = un moyen
(pupils) can express themselves = (ils) peuvent s’exprimer
(they) will find = (ils) trouveront
actually = mais en fait, en réalité
no longer = non plus
how will children learn = comment aprennent-ils
it takes less time = ça prend moins de temps