Matching Quiz – What’s up in the UK and the US?
a left-handed cheeseburger
Easter Bunny
Burger King
jelly beans
April 1st
1. What holiday is April 5th? __________
2. What is the date of April Fools’ Day? __________
3. What is one candy eaten at Easter? __________
4. In a famous BBC prank, what harvest in Switzerland was reported as the largest in decades? __________
5. What restaurant invented a food for people who are left handed? __________
6. On April Fools’ Day, a special sandwich was invented. What was it called? __________
7. What is the mascot for Easter in the US and Canada? __________
8. What color are most eggs in the US and Canada? __________
9. Sometimes Easter bunnies are made out of _________?
10. You can decorate your eggs with dye or with _______?