quiz- interview
Drag the proper word to the proper blank.
Listen to the audio from your magazine, pages 10-11, Interview to help you. Try not to look at your magazine.
Jack Bushong, Meteorologist
Jack Bushong has been interested in the sky after seeing the weather from an __________. After that, he started to read the weather reports. He was just __________ years old! This was how his study of weather commenced.
Jack Bushong has been interested in the sky after seeing the weather from an __________. After that, he started to read the weather reports. He was just __________ years old! This was how his study of weather commenced.
Go English Kids: Hi, Mr Bushong. When did you start your study of weather and climate?
Jack Bushong: I did a science project titled ‘The __________’ in ninth grade. My teacher said that the subject was too general and so I changed it to ‘Weather Forecasting’. I received a grade of 100% and my teacher encouraged me to study __________.
Jack Bushong: I did a science project titled ‘The __________’ in ninth grade. My teacher said that the subject was too general and so I changed it to ‘Weather Forecasting’. I received a grade of 100% and my teacher encouraged me to study __________.
GEK: What happened next?
JB: Ten years later, I was __________ by the National Weather Service.
JB: Ten years later, I was __________ by the National Weather Service.
GEK: And now?
JB: We are preparing for Hurricane Season which runs from June 1st to November 30th each year. We try to predict how severe the __________ will be – how many __________, how strong they will be, that sort of thing.
JB: We are preparing for Hurricane Season which runs from June 1st to November 30th each year. We try to predict how severe the __________ will be – how many __________, how strong they will be, that sort of thing.
GEK: What are the two most important qualities a good meteorologist needs?
JB: __________ and the ability to make quick __________ – often a __________ has less than 30 seconds to decide whether or not to post a warning so that people can evacuate a dangerous area.
JB: __________ and the ability to make quick __________ – often a __________ has less than 30 seconds to decide whether or not to post a warning so that people can evacuate a dangerous area.