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  • #FreeBritney (B2-C1)
    #FreeBritney (B2-C1)
    2201 Vues J'aime

    Le 08/07/2021. What’s the #FreeBritney hashtag about? Has Britney Spears been kidnapped? No, the reality is a little less dramatic, but worrying nonetheless! The star’s fans created the campaign to show their support in her efforts to regain autonomy over her finances, private life and right to live freely.

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  • Vaccine passports for the US, UK and EU – yay or nay? (B2-C1)
    Vaccine passports for the US, UK and EU – yay or nay? (B2-C1)
    2151 Vues J'aime

    Le 09/06/2021. People worldwide are eagerly waiting for life to pick up where it left off with the Covid-19 vaccine campaigns. While many countries are putting vaccine passports into place, questions have arisen as to whether this is ethical. The UK, US and EU have different points of view concerning vaccine passports. Let’s see where everyone is at!

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  • Florian Zeller, Anthony Hopkins and Olivia Colman about 'The Father' (C1-C2)
    Florian Zeller, Anthony Hopkins and Olivia Colman about 'The Father' (C1-C2)
    2375 Vues J'aime

    Le 02/05/2021. On Sunday 25th April 2021, the movie The Father received two Oscars: Best Adapted Screenplay for Florian Zeller and Christopher Hampton, and Best Actor for Anthony Hopkins, who becomes the oldest actor to receive the prize at 83, portraying a man slipping into dementia.

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  • Jacinda Ardern vs COVID-19 (C1)
    Jacinda Ardern vs COVID-19 (C1)
    1792 Vues J'aime

    Le 12/04/2021. The World Health Organisation has praised New Zealand’s plan of action in dealing with COVID-19, and holds up the country as an example to the rest of the world. But what is Jacinda Ardern’s strategy behind New Zealand’s COVID-19 success, and is it sustainable?

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  • Amanda Gorman (B2)
    Amanda Gorman (B2)
    2393 Vues J'aime

    Le 11/02/2021. If you didn’t know who Amanda Gorman was before President Joe Biden’s inauguration in January 2021, you probably do now. It would be difficult to not notice this dynamic and driven young activist who is also the youngest poet in history to recite at a presidential inauguration.

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Showing 41 to 45 of 63 (13 Pages)

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