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Actualité anglophone


  • Third time (un)lucky! (Niveau B2)
    Third time (un)lucky! (Niveau B2)
    377 Vues J'aime

    In India’s last two elections, Prime Minister Narendra Modi of the Hindu-nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) won by a landslide. In June of this year, Modi won again, but not under the same conditions.

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  • Are you cashless? ( niveaux A2-B1)
    Are you cashless? ( niveaux A2-B1)
    455 Vues J'aime

    In the UK today, card and mobile payments are more popular than cash. Why? There are a number of reasons. Paying in cash was already in decline between 2010 and 2020, but since the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s evenless common.

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  • Coffee, cake and social detox, please! (Niveau B1)
    Coffee, cake and social detox, please! (Niveau B1)
    573 Vues J'aime

    The Offline Club organises digital detox events where people can unplug from their phones and connect with real people or simply relax. The club invites you to swap screen time for real time wherever you are. How and where?

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  • Will Boeing keep their promise?
    Will Boeing keep their promise?
    761 Vues J'aime

    In January, an emergency exit door blew off a Boeing 737 Max airplane just after take-off. Luckily, passengers had their seatbelts on and the plane wasn’t very high. What if the passengers weren’t wearing their seatbelts and the plane was at high altitude? A lot of people would have died.

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  • ‘Mr Bates vs The Post Office’ (niveaux A2/B1)
    ‘Mr Bates vs The Post Office’ (niveaux A2/B1)
    1170 Vues J'aime

    ‘Mr Bates vs The Post Office’ is a very popular miniseries on British TV. Is the story entertaining? Yes, it is, but the British public don’t love the series because the story is interesting – they love it because it’s true!

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Showing 1 to 5 of 60 (12 Pages)

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