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Actualité anglophone


  • Are you cashless? ( niveaux A2-B1)
    Are you cashless? ( niveaux A2-B1)
    1227 Vues J'aime

    In the UK today, card and mobile payments are more popular than cash. Why? There are a number of reasons. Paying in cash was already in decline between 2010 and 2020, but since the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s evenless common.

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  • Don’t dine and dash! (Niveau A2)
    Don’t dine and dash! (Niveau A2)
    1553 Vues J'aime

    You eat at a restaurant. The food is delicious and the servers are friendly. The restaurant is clean and cosy. The whole experience is lovely. Then, when you are finished, you must pay. Oops! You realise you forgot your wallet at home! What do you do? Do you phone a friend and ask for cash or do you dash?

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  • Super Tuesday! (niveaux B1/B2)
    Super Tuesday! (niveaux B1/B2)
    1625 Vues J'aime

    Tuesday, March 5th was Super Tuesday in the US. What’s Super Tuesday? It’s the day when US citizens in 16 states and one territory cast their ballots in the 2024 presidential primaries.

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Showing 1 to 3 of 3 (1 Pages)

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