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Actualité anglophone


  • The Brexit Deal (B1)
    The Brexit Deal (B1)
    2383 Vues J'aime

    Le 11/01/2021. It’s January 2021, and Brexit is now a reality. The agreement between the UK and Europe took effect from December 31st at 11pm. It deals with new rules for living, working and trading, but while the whole agreement is more than 1,200 pages, here are some of the essentials.

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  • Another election in the UK / B2-C1
    Another election in the UK / B2-C1
    2211 Vues J'aime

    Guess what? There is a general election scheduled for December 12th. As of now, the Tory Party is ahead in the polls, but the Labour Party has been slowly catching up.

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Showing 1 to 2 of 2 (1 Pages)

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