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Actualité anglophone


  • The Prince of Wales (A2-B1)
    The Prince of Wales (A2-B1)
    2705 Vues J'aime

    Le 12/04/2021. Have you ever wondered why Prince Charles holds the title of Prince of Wales, and not Prince of England? There’s an interesting story behind this peculiarity which has more to do with Wales’ deference to England than with the power of Wales itself.

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  • Saint Patrick’s Day (A2-B1)
    Saint Patrick’s Day (A2-B1)
    3445 Vues J'aime

    Le 11/03/2021. Saint Patrick’s Day on March 17th is a day for huge celebrations worldwide. Did you know that it is celebrated in more countries than any other national festival? So, how does the world celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day?

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  • What's your hobby? (A1)
    What's your hobby? (A1)
    2056 Vues J'aime

    Le 10/02/2021. Painting? Reading? Acting? Cooking? What among these is your hobby?

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  • The months of the year / A2
    The months of the year / A2
    2549 Vues J'aime

    Le 11/12/2020. The English names for the twelve months of the year all date from the Roman era.

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  • Messages for Christmas cards / A2-B1
    Messages for Christmas cards / A2-B1
    2341 Vues J'aime

    Le 10/12/2020. Sometimes it's difficult to think of messages for Christmas cards, especially when you send a lot of them. Should your message be religious or neutral, formal or informal, funny or serious? Luckily, you can choose!

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Showing 56 to 60 of 96 (20 Pages)

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